珈鋒國際企業有限公司(Jaunty-Fabricator Enterprise Industrial Co., Ltd.),成立於1999年12月,是由一群要把快速服務,優質產品及良好利潤和客戶分享的年青人所創立,同時也因為如此,我們開發的腳步也一直持續不減。 珈鋒(JF)儀器架組合系列是依據ANSI/EIA RS-310-C、D、E、F,19吋/ETSI/及IEC-297-3公制之標準規範而製造,並需通過UL及CE認證,以及耐震測試ML-STD-167,其鋁柱之圓弧造型,能於機架並聯之後更能達到其所需功能,且更易於組裝、特殊設計,可廣泛應用於監視機房、電子、電腦機房、通訊資訊、衛星地面台、捷運系統監視機房、電視台、CTI語音查訽系統、自動控制系統、網路設備、數據機房、CO-LOCATION、IDC...等。 相關產品 機櫃, 機箱, 儀器架, 工業用機箱, 伺服器, 機房伺服器, 電腦機房, 監視機房, 網路設備, 工業用IPC五股區成泰路一段8巷8號 Jaunty-Fabricator was established in1999. At first, the company underwent severe growing pains. From this initial struggle, Jaunty-Fabricator understands the difficulties in building a new company. The company relied on its experienced and hard-working staff to outgrow the initial problems, and has now developed into one of Taiwan’s most competitive leaders in the production of Cabinet Racks and IPC products. Jaunty-Fabricator develops its products for the OEM and ODM markets. Jaunty-Fabricator believes success is achieved when delivering customers with the solutions to their problems. 1. 19&Quot; Eric Serv
